MMIC Marketing and Management in an International Context
Courses content Sept to Dec 2024 - Economic Globalization
Module Environment : Economic Globalization
A few tips to prepare your presentation :
Before the presentation
- Get organized in advance, so that you have time to ask the teacher if problems arise during the preparation…
- Select your sources and websites, make sure they are
reliable ones (OECD, IMF, or institutional web sites); some articles can
be provided by the teacher (Moodle)
Platforms like Scholarvox, Europress can be used through the online library, websites like the Conversation, or Natixis research, are very useful for short and relevant articles.
Quote any source you will be using (at the bottom of each slide, and at the end with the full reference).
- Prepare attractive slides, with only a few things written on the slide (typically using graphs, figures, prompts, so that you should not be tempted to read your slides. Number your slides
- Send your PPT presentation at least 2 days before the presentation
- Rehearse !! to make sure you don’t read your notes…
DURING the presentation, you can...
- Introduce the topic by asking a question to the class, preferably an open question, to make your presentation more interactive
- Present the structure/outline of your presentation
- Always check that the audience understands well what you are saying, by asking them questions for example.
- At the end of your presentation, you can ask a question to the group, or launch a debate with the group.
- Ability to interact with the group (individual) /4
- Relevance and quality of the content /12
- Use of reliable and visible sources /4